Bangladesh is a riverine country. Major communication network of the country is river and road based. Even in the recent days major portion of carriages been transported by river as road communication across the country being hampered due to non existence of bridges over the rivers. To build up road communication throughout the country, after liberation our government has been taking vigorous steps to construct bridges over the major rivers of Bangladesh like Padma, Meghna, Jamuna and also on other small rivers and canals. With this end in view Bangabondhhu Bridge has been built on Jamuna river to connect with northern region of the country with capital city Dhaka. Similarly Meghna Bridge and Gomuti Bridge has been built to avert ferry services to connect Chittagong port city with Dhaka. Besides many small bridges has been built during the period for road communication purpose. Now the construction of Padma Bridge is likely to be started soon to road link with the southern region and Mongla port of the country with Dhaka.