Khan Jahab Ali bridge was constructed over the river Rupsha at Labonchara in the Khulna city. Khan Jahan Ali Bridge is also known as Rupsha Bridge. It is the third longest bridge in Bangladesh. The bridge linked Labanchara in the city and Jabusa under Rupsa thana in Khulna. It is a 4 lane bridge and the total length of the bridge is 1360 metres (1.36 km) and width of the bridge is 16.48 metres. The bridge was constructed at a cost of Tk 724.15 crore. The bridge was built by the Roads and Highways Department with technical and financial cooperation from Japan. The work on the Rupsa Bridge project started on May 17, 2001 at Labanchara area of the city and the project was originally scheduled to be completed in November 2004 but it took more 5 months to complete. The Rupsa bridge project included construction of approach roads of total length of 8.68 kilometres—2.79 km on the eastern side starting from Tilok point of the Khulna-Mongla highway and 5.89 km on the western side starting from village Krishnanagar under Batiyaghata upazila in Khulna district. This is the third longest bridge in the country.
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